Don’t worry. This isn’t official. It’s just nice to know.
This is to let us know where you are on your business journey.
Just a rough estimate to give us an idea of your timeline and expectations.
Who is the person in control of the business?
Services cannot be owned, but used. Whereas products can only be owned. For example, a painting & decorating company offers painting services, whereas an art supply shop sells paints which is a product.
Is your target audience other businesses or do you sell directly to customers? Or both? If you are a leaflet printing company you most likely sell to other businesses and if you are a retail store that sells gifts then you most likely sell to customers. Don’t worry if you’re unsure.
This will allow us to know the size of your business & operations. There are also different marketing strategies depending on whether you are local or national and we can provide you with more relevant information.
A sole trader owns and runs their own business as an individual and they are self-employed. A limited company or partnership has its ownership split into shares.
It is set up by you, or are you buying a franchise?
Is this the first time you have started your own business?
Where do you operate your business from? You may operate from multiple locations, so tick as many as apply to you.
How do you plan to pay for your business location? This will help you to budget later.
We ask this to get a clear picture of how you operate/plan to operate your business.
This will allow us to understand your business better
We are committed to providing you with the best advice that is suited to your needs, this will help to tailor the service for you.
What is your main goal/incentive for starting your business, your why?